Insurance Anyone? Adventures In Commercial Insurance For A Film Production Company

If you’re starting a new film production company – old school legit, not guerilla style – it takes about as much effort as making a short movie. Everything from duplicating new office keys to buying commercial insurance demands both time
Starting A Film Production Company – Ideal vs. Reality

Hobbies cost money; businesses make money. Right now my creative partner Todd Bull and I have an expensive hobby – making movies. Our big, hairy goal is to turn our passion for production into a profitable business with multiple streams
Producing Numerous Film Projects In Various Stages of Development

Success in screenwriting has a wiggly definition. Are you in it for fun? Or are you in it to make a Hollywood blockbuster movie? Screenwriting can be a tough and fulfilling hobby, sure. But there comes a time when you’ve
Film Festival Road Trip: Cross Country to Twin Falls
The Twin Falls Sandwiches Film Festival has a funny name, and no matter how you slice it, Twin Falls, Idaho is a long way from anywhere. TFSFF also happens to be in the Top 100 Film Festivals out of 8,000 worldwide. My creative partner Todd Bull and I couldn’t resist – we simply had to enter.
How To Write A Winning Movie Script

A few years ago I didn’t know how to write a movie script. I had no thoughts about becoming a screenwriter. The very thought seemed nutty. But now I’ve got five finished scripts under my belt with my creative partner,